Year 11 QCE Assessment Booklet 2019
CHEMISTRY is a course of study consisting of four units, completed over two years. Subject matter, learning experiences and assessment increase in complexity from Units 1 and 2 to Units 3 and 4 as students develop greater independence as learners. Only results for Units 3 and 4 will contribute to ATAR calculations. YR 11 COURSE OUTLINE UNIT FOCUS 1. Chemical Fundamentals – Structure, Properties and Reactions Topic 1: Properties and structure of atoms Topic 2: Properties and structure of materials Topic 3: Chemical reactions – reactants, products and chemical change In Unit 1, students relate matter and energy in chemical reactions as they consider the breaking and reforming of bonds as new substances are produced. The properties of a material depend on, and can be explained by, the material’s structure. A range of models at the atomic and molecular scale enable explanation and prediction of the structure of materials, and how this structure influences properties and reactions.
2. Molecular interactions and reactions Topic 1: Intermolecular forces and gases Topic 2: Aqueous solutions and acidity Topic 3: Rates of chemical reactions
In Unit 2, students develop their understanding of the physical and chemical properties of materials including gases, water, aqueous solutions, acids and bases. Students explore the characteristic properties of water that make it essential for physical, chemical and biological processes on Earth, including the properties of aqueous solutions. They investigate and explain the solubility of substances in water, and compare and analyse a range of solutions. They learn how rates of reaction can be measured and altered to meet particular needs. In Unit 3, students explore the reversibility of reactions in a variety of chemical systems at different scales; acid-base equilibrium systems and their applications; the principles of oxidation and reduction reactions; and the production of electricity from electrochemical cells. Processes that are reversible will respond to a range of factors and can achieve a state of dynamic equilibrium, while contemporary models can be used to explain the nature of acids and bases, and their properties and uses.
3. Equilibrium, Acids and Redox Reactions Topic 1: Chemical equilibrium systems Topic 2: Oxidation and reduction
1. Research Investigation
Term 1 Week 5
Term 1 Week 10
Time: 10 hours class time Length: written (e.g. scientific essay) 1500–2000 words 2. Data Test Time: 60 minutes plus 10 minutes perusal Length: up to 500 words in total Time: 10 hours class time Length: written (e.g. scientific report) 1500– 2000 words 3. Student Experiment
Term 2 Week 3
Term 2 Week 3
Term 2 Week 4
Term 2 Week 9
End 1 & 2
4. Internal Examination
Term 3 Week 6
Term 3 Week 6 - 8
Unit 1 and Unit 2
To be assessed in Year 12
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