Year 11 QCE Assessment Booklet 2019
SUBJECT OVERVIEW Business provides opportunities for students to develop business knowledge and skills to contribute meaningfully to society, the workforce and the marketplace and prepares them as potential employees, employers, leaders, managers and entrepreneurs. In studying Year 11 Business, students will learn about: business creation, business growth, and business diversification YR 11 COURSE OUTLINE UNIT FOCUS 1. Business Creation
In Unit 1, students explore fundamental business concepts, strategies and processes relating to strategic planning, business environments, leadership, management, entrepreneurship, human resources, finance, marketing, operations and technology. Students investigate the creation of business ideas and the business life cycle before focusing on the challenges of the seed stage. SWOT, PEST and break-even analytical tools are used to analyse strategic planning, stakeholders, competitors and the business environment. In Unit 2, students explore concepts, strategies and processes used by businesses in the start-up and growth stages of the business life cycle. Students explore leadership and management across the key business functions, including financial, human resources, marketing and operations in the growth stage. Analytical tools, including SWOT, PESTLE and break-even analyses are used to analyse and interpret the implications of establishing a business. Market entry is analysed and interpreted using the analytical tools SWOT analysis, USP analysis and power interest grid. In Unit 3, students explore strategies and practices used by businesses in the maturity stage of the business life cycle. Students investigate diversification strategies, with a specific focus on expansion into global markets, and emerging strategies providing a competitive advantage. Analytical tools, including SWOT, STEEPLE, USP and cost-benefit analyses and power interest grid are used to analyse the challenges businesses experience when trying to differentiate and expand.
2. Business Growth
3. Business Diversification
1. Investigation Research Report
Term 1 Week 4
Draft due: Term 1 Week 6 Final due: Term 1 Week 8 Term 2 Week 3 Term 2 Week 9 Term 3 Week 5
2. Examination combination response 3. Examination combination response
Term 2 Week 9 Term 2 Week 9
4. Feasibility Report To be assessed in Year 12
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