Year 10 Subject Guide 2020


Through the MYP there are eight subject groups:

Learner Profile: At the core of the programme is the Learner Profile . The Learner Profile comprises ten attributes that represent a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities. By fostering these attributes in students we promote students who become responsible members of their local, national and global communities. IB learners strive to be:


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Language and Literature Language Acquisition



Physical and Health Education


Individuals and Societies

This broad and balanced range of subjects encompasses disciplinary knowledge and understanding that meets national and international rigour in terms of breadth and depth. Year 10 students, in their final year of the MYP, will continue to study five compulsory subject groups: Maths, Language and Literature, Science, Individuals and Societies, and Language Acquisition, plus one subject from either Design, Physical and Health Education or the Arts. A further two electives are then selected from a possible 16 subjects, allowing students to either refine or further broaden their area of study.

Inquirers Thinkers

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Risk-Takers Balanced Reflective

DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF THE MIDDLE YEARS PROGRAMME Approaches to Learning: This demonstrates the commitment to Approaches to Learning (ATL) as a key component of the MYP for developing skills for learning. Approaches to Teaching: This emphasises the MYP pedagogy, including collaborative learning through inquiry. Concepts: These for the ‘big ideas’ and highlight a concept driven curriculum. These big ideas form the basis of teaching and learning in the MYP. They ensure breadth and depth in the curriculum and promote learning within and across all subjects.

The MYP framework itself offers an approach to teaching and learning that embraces yet transcends the focus on traditional school subjects. While insisting upon thorough study of various disciplines , MYP accentuates the interrelatedness of them, of knowledge, individuals, communities and the world, and so advances a holistic view of education. This inter-disciplinary perspective asks the student to consider issues and problems in their widest scope, and to realize that good solutions often draw insights one has acquired from many sources. Put another way, the programme shuns the fragmentation of knowledge that so often results when students move from one subject period to another, most often as if the subjects themselves had nothing to do with each other.


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