Year 10 Subject Guide 2020
Structure Semester 1
Semester 2
Structural Design Project
Free Choice Project
During this unit, you must put yourself into the position of a Structural Engineer. You are to identify a suitable community for whom you will design and make a model tower made from straws. The challenge will involve carefully researching the forces and physics involved with structural design. Generating multiple tower designs based upon the Design Specification created which are clearly evaluated before deciding upon a final design. Your designs will be created using AutoDesk Inventor, which will enable you to virtually test the designs before creating. You must clearly document your process, identifying and justifying any and all changes made. Once the product has been completed, you must apply appropriate testing to determine the success of your product, after which you will review and evaluate the data generated from the testing.
During this unit, you will investigate a particular problem within a suitable setting, such as industry and/or the wider community. You will bring together your educational and technological knowledge to the solution of the design problem and the realisation of this solution through manufacture. You will be expected to ensure that quality of design and production is maintained and you also need to critically evaluate your design solution. It is expected that you demonstrate an understanding of suitable material properties through your research and testing stages.
Assessment In Year 10 Engineering and Design students complete two summative assessments. Summative assessments Semester 1 Semester 2
Criteria Assessed
Criteria Assessed
Structural Design Project: Inquiring and analysing
Free Choice Project: Inquiring and analysing
Structural Design Project: Developing ideas B
Free Choice Project: Developing ideas
Structural Design Project: Creating the solution
Free Choice Project: Creating the solution C
Structural Design Project: Evaluating
Free Choice Project: Evaluating
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