Year 10 Subject Guide 2020
SUBJECT SELECTION FOR YEAR 10 IN 2020 - continued Year 9 has been intended as a year of investigation to introduce students to a wide range of subjects and new academic routines.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING SUBJECT PREFERENCES It is sometimes very difficult to completely satisfy the first preference of all subjects for all students. In addition, if numbers for an elective subject are too low, that subject may not be offered. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ADDITIONAL FEES PAYABLE FOR OPTIONAL COURSES YEAR 10 Students and their families are expected to pay for the student’s registration and examination fees, in addition to the College’s annual school fees, if students enrol in the following subject selection option in Year 10. Brisbane School of Distance Education or similar – external subjects not offered at the College (ie languages). This is because these incur optional additional costs which are not included in the annual College fees: YEARS 11 AND 12 Please note that in Years 11 and 12, the following optional enrolment options also attract additional fees: QCAA External Subjects – external subjects not offered at the College (ie some languages) Brisbane School of Distance Education - external subjects not offered at the College (ie some languages) International Baccalaureate Diploma Diploma of Business (VET) course or similar
In Year 10, students can begin to fine-tune their range of subjects to suit individual academic strengths and interests and begin their senior pathway transition. The subjects offered are divided into two groups: CORE SUBJECTS: which must be done by every student. ELECTIVE SUBJECTS: from which each student must choose another two subjects. See subject details (see page 17 onwards) for more information on each subject. CORE SUBJECTS Students will make a choice of one subject from each of the following lines: 1. Language and Literature (English) 2. Language Acquisition (German, Japanese, French) 3. General Mathematics Preparation, Mathematics, Mathematics Extended 4. Biology, Chemistry, Physics 5. History, Geography, Economics 6. Physical and Health Education, Music, Visual Art, Drama, Digital Design, Engineering and Design, Media Arts ELECTIVE SUBJECTS The elective subjects for Year 10 permit all students to broaden their interests. Students can select two other elective subjects from those listed in lines 4, 5 or 6. Alternatively, they may choose 2 other elective subjects from the following: 1. Business and Entrepreneurship 2. Global Politics 3. Philosophy 4. Legal Studies
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