Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course Guide

QTAC – ENTRY INTO AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITIES What is an ATAR? • The ATAR is a fine-grained rank order of students. • It is a number between 0.00 and 99.95 with increments on 0.05 • The ATAR is commonly used in other states and territories of Australia, for entry into university.

NOTE: The study of the subjects offered in the IB Diploma course at Somerset College cover all university prerequisites, including dentistry and medicine. As an example, for the University of Queensland and Griffith University: IB SCORE ATAR for 2022 Admission Example with University of QLD Adjustment Factors for IB Math HL (1) and Language (2) Example with Griffith UNIVERITY Adjustment Factors for IB Math (2) and Language (2)

The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) is responsible for calculating students’ ATARs. How are IB Diploma students considered for entry to tertiary courses in Australia? Results from the IB Diploma, which are reported on a whole number scale between 24 and 45, are converted into an ATAR-like value (known as a - Combined Rank ) to allow IB Diploma students to be considered for tertiary places in Australia. This conversion is consistent throughout all states and is updated each year. Note: Bond University and all international universities use the final IB Diploma score out of 45. All universities in Australia recognise the IB Diploma. Combined Rank eligibility: • In the IB at Somerset, Literature meets the English requirement for ATAR eligibility • Satisfactory completion will require students to attain a Grade of 4, that is equivalent to a Sound level of achievement in an English course Subject prerequisites Your IB subjects will meet subject prerequisites if these: • are comparable to the relevant QCAA subject • are studied at Higher Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL) • you achieve a minimum grade of 3 in the relevant HL subject or 4 in the relevant SL subject. Australian and leading international universities offer advance standing for students based on subjects. This equates to adjustment factors (Australian ATAR), and/or credits, and/or exemptions, from first year subjects, enabling students to progress to 2 nd year studies.

45 44 43 42 … 38 37 36

99.95 99.95 99.75 99.95 99.45 99.95 99.10 99.95 96.25 99.25 95.20 98.20 93.90 96.90

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.25 99.20

97.90 Note: Universities offer a wide range of adjustment factors, credits and exemptions for SL and HL Diploma subjects. These vary with each university, whether in Australia or overseas. For more information, visit the university websites. Credits and exemptions provide a considerable financial benefit to a student’s university HECS or similar. Note: Griffith university provides 2.00 adjustment factors for all IB Subjects offered at the college. A maximum of 8 adjustment factors can be applied to an ATAR at GU. Note: Adjustments are provided only if a student has achieved a 4 in HL and a 3 in SL subjects. preparation programme, we are currently working closely with our local universities to provide further access to university resources, lectures, and facilities, for our Year 10 IB Diploma preparation students. We aim to build these sessions into student’s fortnightly timetable (Tertiary Engagement) and they will form an important component of developing the mindset required to best engage with the IB Diploma. Further information regarding these sessions will be shared once they are finalised with our local university partners. IB Diploma - Tertiary partnerships Given the IB Diploma is a pre-university


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