Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course Guide
THE LEARNER PROFILE The Learner Profile is an integral part of an IB Education and is reflected in all three programmes, (Primary Years Programme - PYP, Middle Years Programme - MYP and Diploma). The profile is not intended as a profile of a perfect student, rather it is a guide for all students to use as they strive to become successful lifelong learners. The College encourages students to strive to be…
“To develop engaged global citizens aspiring to excellence, demonstrating integrity and valuing difference.” Leadership in rigorous education: We acknowledge that in order for students to reach their personal potential, both as leaders and learners, they need to be provided with the least restrictive environment possible. This means that students receive meaningful and equitable access to the curriculum, while upholding their interests, and removing barriers so they can find success. Inquiring, knowledgeable and caring citizens: To assist students to develop their real potential as citizens of the world, the College acknowledges the need to inspire and motivate students to learn. Inquiry will be promoted through the provision of a curriculum with the appropriate level of challenge, thereby ensuring that all students build on their knowledge so that they can become caring and active members of our communities. Intercultural understanding and respect: Nurturing intercultural understanding and respect among students occurs when educators understand and respect the needs of all learners. Being knowledgeable of the exclusive personal and educational needs of each student, the College recognizes and appreciates that not every individual can have the same educational experience. The diversity of the College learning community is viewed as a valued resource that can enrich learning, providing students and staff with opportunities to increase awareness and expand their thinking.
inquirers thinkers communicators risk-takers
Who are…
knowledgeable principled open-minded caring
balanced reflective
SENIOR PHASE OF LEARNING Our goal is for each student to have a meaningful pathway and to establish the foundations for a successful future. STRONG PERFORMANCE CULTURE
- IB Scores 2021 Combined Rank ATAR
Somerset (2021)
90+ 71% Average IB Score – 37/45 Combined Rank – ATAR 95.20 World average 32/45
IB students in 2021 also achieved 23 Merits – highest possible grade given in a subject.
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