Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course Guide


9. WHAT HAPPENS IF THE SUBJECT I WANT TO DO IS NOT OFFERED? Subjects delivered depend on student numbers and resources. It is possible to study unlisted subjects. Speak to the IB Diploma Coordinator at the subject selection stage or earlier and we can investigate possibilities. 10. CAN I STILL DO THE IB IF I HAVE NOT STUDIED A LANGUAGE IN YEAR 10 OR EARLIER? Yes. For those who have never studied a language you may choose the Italian ab initio as your Group 2 option. Similarly, if you have dropped your acquired language in Year 10 but decide to enrol in the Diploma you can also take ab initio. However, keep in mind that ab initio courses are only offered as a standard level course and are intended for first-time learners of that language. 11. IS DOING THE IB DIPLOMA GOING TO COST ME? Yes, at Year 12. While there is no additional cost for subject tuition, parents are required to pay for the external exams. This cost is determined by the IBO and we onboard this cost to your fees. They are approximately $140.00 per subject. Additional Fees Payable for International Visa Students: Please also note that Year 11 and 12 international students studying in Queensland on a student visa will be charged an annual administration and processing fee of approximately AUD $455.00 per year by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, in addition to school fees. 12. HOW CAN I BEGIN TO PREPARE FOR AN IB COURSE? The best way to prepare is to take the pre-IB course at Year 10 (Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation.

The program you choose should fit your learning style, learner attributes and future pathway needs (tertiary, career, etc.). Read the subject descriptions in the Curriculum Handbook. Talk to teachers, HODS or AHODS or the Dean of Studies (and IB Diploma Coordinator), and your parents. This should help you make an informed and appropriate choice. 7. WHAT IF I START THE IB DIPLOMA PATHWAY BUT CHANGE MY MIND AT THE END OF YEAR 10? Our goal is that all students will continue after the Pre IB Diploma programme at Year 10, into the IB Diploma Programme in Year 11 and 12. Students choosing to enrol in the IB Diploma Pathway for 10, 11 and 12 receive extensive counselling regarding expectations so that they are well placed to complete the course. However, should circumstances change and the need for an alternative course of study arise, it is possible to move to the QCE pathway at the end of Year 10. Once students have commenced the IB Diploma In Year 11/12, while it is possible to change, given the strict QCE assessment requirements that commence in Year 11 QCE, you would need to move from IB Diploma to QCE within the first month of the course. You would be required to catch up on necessary QCE content and assessment. 8. WHAT IF I START THE MYP/QCE PATHWAY BUT CHANGE MY MIND AND WANT TO ENROL IN THE IB DIPLOMA PATHWAY? This is possible however we would encourage students to change in Semester 2 of Year 10. This will ensure the best preparation for joining the IB Diploma at Year 11.


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