Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course Guide
Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course
SUBJECT OUTLINE In Year 10, the study of a language is compulsory. In the IB Diploma Preparation course, students who have studied German up to Year 9 of the MYP course and have achieved a grade of 6 or 7 in Phase 3 will be given the opportunity to study German for the IB Diploma Preparation course. The IB Diploma Preparation Language B: German course aims to further develop students’ ability to communicate in German through the study of language, themes and texts. In doing so, they also develop conceptual understandings of how languages work. A major objective of the course is to develop intercultural mindedness. The German course will encourage positive attitudes towards, and involvement with, people in Germany and various German-speaking communities. PATHWAYS Studying Language B: German in the IB Diploma Preparation course prepares students to undertake Language B: German in the IB Diploma Programme. Students will also be able to undertake the QCCA Senior German course, should they choose not to continue with the IB Diploma in Years 11 and 12.
AIMS LANGUAGE B: GERMAN The aims of the teaching of Language B: German are to:
Develop international mindedness through the study of languages, cultures, and ideas and issues of global significance Enable students to communicate in the language they have studied in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes Encourage, through the study of texts and through social interaction, an awareness and appreciation of a variety of perspectives of people from diverse cultures Develop students’ understanding of the relationship between the languages and cultures with which they are familiar Develop students’ awareness of the importance of language in relation to other areas of knowledge Provide students, through language learning and the process of inquiry, with opportunities for intellectual engagement and the development of critical and creative thinking skills Provide students with a basis for further study, work and leisure through the use of an additional language Foster curiosity, creativity and a lifelong enjoyment of language learning
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