Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course Guide

SUBJECT ARTICULATION FOR YEAR 10 IB DIPLOMA PREPARATION COURSE Year 9 MYP Subject Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course Articulate to following subjects in Years 11 and 12 International Baccalaureate Diploma Subject

Mathematics Essentials Mathematics Standard Mathematics Extended Language and Literature Individuals and Societies

IB Mathematics: Introduction to Analysis and Approaches

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL/HL

IB English: Introduction to Literature

IB English A: Literature SL/HL

Introduction to IB Philosophy

IB Philosophy SL/HL

Global Thinking Studies in Commerce Introduction to IB Economics

IB Economics SL/HL

Business and Entrepreneurship

Introduction to IB Business Management Introduction to IB Biology Introduction to IB Physics Introduction to IB Chemistry Introduction to IB French Introduction to IB German Introduction to IB Japanese

IB Business Management SL/HL


IB Biology SL/HL IB Physics SL/HL IB Chemistry SL/HL

French German Japanese

IB French SL IB German SL IB Japanese SL


Introduction to IB Italian ab initio

IB Italian ab initio SL

Performing Arts - Music


IB Music SL/HL

Visual Arts

Visual Arts

IB Visual Arts SL/HL

Personal Project

Personal Project Introduction to TOK

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)


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