Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course 2023

• Criterion B2: Implications – focuses on how well students understand the implications of their research for creating and performing. • Criterion C1: Understanding creating conventions – focuses on the understanding of creating conventions according to the stylistic, technical and/or musical demands of the chosen style. • Criterion C2: Understanding performing practices – focuses on the understanding of performing practices according to the stylistic, technical and/or musical demands of the chosen style. Experimenting with Music • Criterion A: Rationale and commentary for musical experiments in creating – focuses on the articulation of a persuasive and logical rationale for experiments in creating supported by relevant selection of stimuli. For the purpose of this task, students provide: • a rationale that justifies the choices of source material, including the choice of contexts and areas of inquiry • a commentary that explains the experimentation process and the evolution of the experimentation stimuli. • Criterion B: Practical musical experiments in creating – focuses on the processes of experimentation in creating, that generate ideas with intent and purpose, resulting from informed decision-making. • Criterion C: Rationale and commentary for musical experiments in performing – focuses on the articulation of a persuasive and logical rationale for experiments in performing, supported by a relevant selection of stimuli for experimentation. The commentary should clearly evidence and explain the musical decision-making processes that have guided the experimentation. For the purpose of this task, students provide: • a rationale that justifies the choices of source material, including the choice of contexts and areas of inquiry • a commentary that explains the experimentation process and the evolution of the experimentation stimuli. • Criterion D: Practical musical experiments in performing – focuses on the processes of musical experimentation in performing, that generate innovative musical ideas with personal intent and purpose, resulting from informed musical decision-making. Presenting Music • Criterion A: Programme notes – focuses on the student generating coherent, informative programme notes that clearly address the four areas of inquiry and justify the choices made. • Criterion B: Musicality and technical proficiency of created works – focuses on how well the student presents musical works: • according to creating conventions • with technical proficiency as evidenced in:  the use of compositional devices and musical elements  the idiomatic use, including an understanding of the technical capacities and limitations, of the chosen instruments, voices and sound sources. • Criterion C: Musicality and technical proficiency of performed works – focuses on how well the student presents musical works: • according to performing practices and styles • with technical proficiency as evidenced in the mature command of musical elements, where minor errors do not affect the overall impression and fluency of the performance. • Criterion D: Musical communication – focuses on the student’s musical communication in different roles. For the purposes of this criterion, musical communication includes musical intentions, expression, interpretation, notation, audio quality.


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