Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course 2023
Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course
SUBJECT OUTLINE The study of Biology helps us get a better understanding about the world, its natural processes and how lives evolve, survive and change. This IBDP Biology Preparatory course covers a range of topics including physiology, genetics, human interactions with the environment, integrated animal systems and an introduction to molecular and cellular biology. A strong emphasis is placed on practical work and the development of investigative, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Students undertaking this course of study will develop their investigative and analytical skills through practical work. As students apply the learned concepts to real-life scenarios, they will develop their ability to use critical thinking skills and their ability to work with data to offer solutions to biological issues. PATHWAYS Biology connects us to the world we live in and reminds us of our interconnectedness with all other lifeforms. This course provides a strong foundation of knowledge and skills in Biology, preparing the way for a smooth transition to Senior Biology, and later to university courses in biotechnology, the life sciences, medicine, biochemistry, environmental science, psychology, and behavioural science. The IBDP Biology Preparatory course articulates to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in Year 11 and 12.
IB DIPLOMA AIMS FOR BIOLOGY The aims of the teaching of IB Biology are to encourage and enable students to: Develop conceptual understanding that allows connections to be made between different areas of the subject, and to other Sciences Acquire and apply a body of knowledge, methods, tools, and techniques that characterize science Develop the ability to analyse, evaluate and synthesize scientific information and claims Develop the ability to approach unfamiliar situations with creativity and resilience Design and model solutions to local and global problems in a scientific context Develop an appreciation of the possibilities and limitations of science Develop technology skills in a scientific context Develop the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively Develop awareness of the ethical, environmental, economic, cultural, and social impact of science
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