Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course 2023
Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course
SUBJECT OUTLINE The Year 10 IB Diploma Business Management Preparation Course is designed to meet the current and future needs of students who want to develop their knowledge of business content, concepts and tools to assist with business decision-making. Future employees, business leaders, entrepreneurs or social entrepreneurs need to be confident, creative and compassionate as change agents for business in an increasingly interconnected global marketplace. The Year 10 IB Diploma Business Management Preparation Course is designed to encourage the development of these attributes. In this course, students examine how business decisions are influenced by factors that are internal and external to an organization and how these decisions impact upon a range of internal and external stakeholders. Emphasis is placed on strategic decision-making and the operational business functions of human resource management, finance and accounts, marketing, and operations management. The business management course encourages the application of local, national and global examples to content and concepts. Students can develop a deeper understanding of a business by studying its processes through the lenses of creativity, change, ethics and sustainability . PATHWAYS The Year 10 Business Management IB Diploma Preparation Course prepares students to study IB Diploma Business Management in Years 11 and 12. Studying business prepares students for Economics, Business, Accounting, Commerce, Finance, Tourism and Law at university.
WHY STUDY THIS SUBJECT Did you know that the world’s largest taxi company does not own any vehicles (UBER)? Did you know that the world’s largest accommodation provider does not own any hotels (Air BNB)? Did you know that the world’s largest media company does not publish any of its own content (Facebook)? These are just three examples of the changing nature of business and work in the 21 st century. In order to participate actively in this new entrepreneurial and technological workplace, students require skills in business management to take advantage of opportunities that new technologies and innovations present. This is further evidenced by the fact that between 2004 and 2019, start-ups were responsible for 90% of all new jobs created in Australia. Studying the Year 10 Business IB Diploma Preparation Course will prepare students effectively for this new way of working in the 21 st century. The aims of the Year 10 Business Management IB Diploma preparation course are to enable students to: • develop as confident, creative and compassionate business leaders, entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs and as change agents • foster an informed understanding of ethical and sustainable business practices • explore the connections between individuals, businesses and society • engage with decision-making as a process and a skill. IB DIPLOMA AIMS FOR BUSINESS
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