Year 10 Assessment Booklet 2020


GLOBAL CONTEXT Identities and Relationships


STATEMENT OF INQUIRY Ethics: Philosophers use reasoning to develop different (normative) ethical theories to decide on the right way for people think and behave when dealing with moral problems.




GLOBAL INTERACTIONS Contrasting theories in normative ethics and the implications Related: Causality

Unit 1: Morality and Heroes Can ethical theories represented in the novel Watchmen help people solve moral dilemmas?

Examination (inferencing and short response) on the framework of philosophy and theories for normative ethics. (Week 5) WB 17.02.20 Criteria A, C, D Graphical essay assignment: philosophical analysis on the graphical novel Watchmen . (Week 9) Criteria A, B, C, D WB 23.03.20 Multi-modal assignment: designing a social and political system for a colony on Mars of 10,000 people. (Week 8) Criteria A, B, C, D WB 01.06.20 Examination (persuasive essay) on the evolution of scientific theory incorporating different theories of knowledge. (Week 5) WB 10.08.20 Criteria A, C, D Graphical essay assignment: philosophical analysis of the film Interstellar . (Week 10) WB 14.09.20 Criteria A, B, C, D 6. Examination (reasoning and short response) on enthymemes, formalization, syllogisms, Venn diagrams and truth tables. (Week 5) Criteria A, C, D. Examination Block. * MYP Mathematics concepts


Political Philosophy and Government on Mars: Power relationships affect the behaviour of individuals, societies and nations. Societies face complex problems involving personal rights, political rights and economic factors. Philosophy of Science: Understanding the differences between science and non-science leads to different perspectives on the evolution of scientific theories, metaphysics and the concept of truth.

GLOBAL INTERACTIONS Contrasting theories on forms of government and the implications Related: Government PERSPECTIVE Contrasting theories of scientific revolution, metaphysics and epistemology Related: Knowledge

Unit 2: Government on Mars What is the best form of government and society for a colony on Mars?

Globalization and Sustainability

Unit 3: Survival and Science What is the meaning of truth in science and what are the consequences for Mankind, as represented in the film Interstellar ?

Scientific and Technical Innovation


Introduction to Formal Logic and Reasoning Philosophers have different understandings on the nature of science and non-science, which influences their perspectives on the evolution of scientific theories, metaphysics and truth.

LOGIC* Translating natural to propositional language and testing validity Related: Patterns and Model*

Unit 4: Truth and Logic To what extent can we test the validity of arguments using formal logic?

Scientific and Technical Innovation


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