What Christmas Means To Me
Day 9 (Hope)
With a soft thud, the house landed onto the surface below. Sand crept through the cracks of the old wooden floorboards, and a gust of hot wind blew the front door open. Kenny heard the gentle crash of waves close by - they must be near the beach! With a rush of excitement, he ran out of the old front door onto the hot sand below – they weren’t near the beach, they were on the beach! Kenny sprinted down to the water's edge and he took in the beautiful surroundings. But, as he looked around, he noticed that there was no one in sight to help him learn about Christmas. It was then that Kenny noticed slight movement further up the shore, near the house. As he looked closer, a tiny green head poked out of the sand. Suddenly, hundreds of little sea turtles burst through, making their way up from their cozy nests. Kenny watched in amazement as the tiny babies scuttered past him to the ocean – how did they know exactly where to go? He had so many questions but didn’t know who to ask – he must try and find somebody who can help him!
He bent down onto his fluffy little knees and introduced himself to the new babies:
“Hello!” he said shyly, not sure whether he would get an answer.
“Hi there!” said one little turtle, looking up at him with her huge eyes, “What’s your name?”
“Oh, um, I’m Kenny. Kenny the Koala” he said, gathering more confidence as he spoke.
“Nice to meet you, Kenny. I’m Tilly – Tilly the Turtle!” she smiled and stretched her flipper out to greet him. “What brings you here Kenny?”
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