What Christmas Means To Me

Day 8 (Acceptance)


The house came to a slow stop, instead of the usual clunk to the ground.

“That’s weird,” said Parker, “maybe there’s a problem with the system.”

“Um, Platty P. I don’t think the system is faulty, I think the location is...” Kenny said as he peered out of the window.

Parker trotted over to where Kenny was perched and looked out to see that the house was floating right above a swamp!

“Right. Well, one of us is going to have to go down there, and, you know, I’m just the tech guy...” Parker shuffled his feet and looked up at Kenny expectantly.

Kenny rolled his eyes and crawled out of the window, and onto a tree branch hanging nearby. Thankful for his climbing skills, he carefully made his way down the length of the tree, eager to see what awaited below.

“Kenny!! WATCH OUT!! SNAKE!!”

Kenny stopped dead in his tracks and glanced down at his feet to see a scaly snake slowly sneaking towards him.

“Sssalutionsss my dear friend, my name is Ssstella the sssnake... what bringsss you here to thisss part of the ssswamp?” Stella hissed.

Kenny stared at Stella in astonishment, unsure of what to say. Shivers travelled down his spine as Stella’s tail whipped around the tree, missing his button nose by centimeters.

“Uhhh...well... I’m on a mission.”


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