The Wordsmiths Book 2021


Listless - The lapping waves echo, windless seas The mighty sails, all at ease The crew at attention, yet remains still The navigator awaits the captain's will The waves echo Hourglass - Shifting sands, inverted

A moment suspended, defying gravity, defying fate The hour begins as the first grain succumbs and falls One by one, swirling motion, standing ever proud Time pass, few remain, decreasing ever still Desperate measures along wasted efforts

The end approach, the final moment The last grain, closer, closer, gone The sand is still, silence reigns

No heat, no light, no life The sands shift once more. Fatigue: Within the shadows of these hallowed halls A setting sun on the coming storm An encroaching night under the harsh crow’s call

A dying day where once was warm A desperate struggle, a final stand A cold monotony, and falling sand Worn out faces I see around me With nowhere left for them to be A silent room, a silent crowd

A room once filled with exuberant youth Now weary souls shattered and cowed Upon the discovery of this terrible truth That it is the end of an era but the start of one more

Angus Cheung


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