The Wordsmiths Book 2021
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a hurricane has passed twirling around my memories my experiences my thoughts leaving me lost without direction wondering what was real what was just a dream I grasp a fragment of reality from the dark and brooding storm my hand clamping onto it tightly so tightly I soon grab another slip back into the darkness I’m in a world without light without happiness I am alone or am I? anchored to the ground along with me although I did not know it giving me wings allowing me to fly courage always there waiting to be discovered seasons change so can I I need a spark of courage buried at the bottom of my soul I need to let it free I didn’t know the importance of a spark until I saw it become a blaze and another and another in hope of stitching my old life back together but they slip out of my grip
I am drowned in light the darkness retreated I am free
Ayla Chirathivat-Geralds
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