The Wordsmiths Book 2021
what is the ego? why must we feel the need to fuel it? most people don’t recognise the lengths they go to feed their egos I try my hardest to avoid it. though it’s such a strong temptation. it’s as if I’m a child with a piece of chocolate which I’ve been told not to eat the sensation of validity and superiority overtakes any sense of realism maybe it’s a sign of not being 100% in control of your life and actions. giving into the temptation of feeding the ego is like a drug once you feel it, you search for it everywhere. in the back of your brain, it’s all you are craving you may not even realise it, you may not even know it’s there, most people aren’t even conscious that they are letting their egos take over,
that’s the most frightening part it brings out the worst in people
Gaëlle Nicolau
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