The Wordsmiths Book 2021

The golden years I see behind me The time when the world was not a cage And to the sky I could fly free

Who am I, now that the past seems more akin a dream When that which drove me so ardently Is gone to the night like mist in a stream? When that which I held so preciously, I let go so carelessly? Who am I, now that you are all gone There lays a trail of memories behind us Where once our futures together seemed forgone Is now left only to ghosts to discuss Who am I, now that the world we built has crumbled And the new world marches on When our hopes are left torn and trampled? When ashes and regret seem our only denouement? Who am I, now that dusk is fast approaching? Who am I, now that all I held dear is lost? With the shadows towards me encroaching I ponder once more what my mistakes has cost.

Angus Cheung


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