The Wordsmiths Book 2021
I Love You
You look down at me and I look up at you Like always you make fun of my height because I will never be as tall as you But from where I am I see the freckle on your cheek The one I always kiss when I see you I see your pearly white smile With dimples so big I could just squish them together And I even see the scab you made by picking at your pimple for far too long I see the colours of the sea and the colours of the earth All intertwined in the windows to your soul I see and feel your eyes looking at me The look that makes me feel butterflies in my stomach for days I hear the youth in your laugh
The wisdom in your voice The happiness in your tone The warmth in your hugs And the life in you through your heartbeat
But through all this I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me cry I hate it when you’re not around
I hate it that you didn’t call I hate it that I don’t hate you Because you’re the end game You are my be all and end all And I guess we were made to be Made to walk hand in hand down the yellow brick road Made to drink milkshakes together Made to cry together And of course made to be But even though there are things that I hate about you
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