The Wordsmiths Book 2021
The tender touch of morning light The quiet trickle of a winding brook A rolling meadow with doves in flight The place which time has took The season of spring has long since faded Yet I hearken back despite a heart so jaded Despite all that has happened and all that will I remember your name to this day still
Who we are – The night falls
As warmth fades The waning light From the heights of day
The howling winds The crashing waves The roar of blood in trembling veins The salty tears And the lashing rain On a cliff forsaken I stand alone On the precipice of oblivion My heart my own
...Who we make ourselves to be- A breath, a sigh and the blood moon’s rise No matter the world, come hell or high tide To see the fire burning in my eyes The world lies before me wide The waters crash, the heavens roar The lesson of the past, to suffer then be more
From the old world’s demise I will see my empire rise I’m the one at the helm, I’m the master of my sea No man alive or dead commands me Fearfully and wonderfully made, and slave to none My will be done Coloured clouds: Nurturing warmth by my side The hope of future to me guide Wherein blooms a special pride And with patience unfathomable with me bide
Ever constant like the stars above With me always despite the trials of love
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