The Wordsmiths Book 2021
I’m Sorry
Dear X,
I'm sorry we drifted apart, we had a priceless friendship, but somehow, it dissolved. It wasn't angry or sad or fast, in any way. More like a slow drifting apart that neither of us noticed until it was too late. unless you did notice. Sometimes I think. Was it my fault? Did I do this? I found an old letter you sent me. It was an apology. You said sorry for being upset because I wanted to split my time between you and another friend, in another group. Was my choice to do this what made this happen? If I had chosen differently would we still be close, instead of now, where we don't even wave hello? Did you see it all happening? Did you know the outcome? Was I completely ignorant as to your attempts to salvage our friendship? Or am I simply imagining all of this...I don't know. But I do know that I'm sorry. My final thought is, do you even remember? Do you feel the same way? Or have you simply forgotten our five- year-long friendship? Or perhaps you do remember but are in fact glad that were no longer close because, in the end, we turned out so different.
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