The Wordsmiths Book 2021

The Pink Super Moon

The super moon was in Scorpio that night. But what in the heavens was that supposed to mean?

Through cartomancy, the moon represents illusion and fantasies. Meaning things aren’t as they seem when the moon appears. Our false perceptions become more than just an illusion, but more so a reality.

With the association of Scorpio leading the super moon, It only enhanced its intense perceptive energies.

It is believed that the moon controls us, But who is to say it doesn’t? Every moon phase possesses properties which grounds us to this earth, In such case, the super moon associates us on a deeper subconscious level and heightens our personal power The power of Scorpios astrological alignment and the power of the super moon unite to create a fervent response, Signifying that our desires and dreams are heightened. When looking at the moon, one can lose complete sense of time by its unmatched beauty, Though it’s alluring glare so incomparable to all other existing elements radiates a sense of fright as it becomes more peculiar than bewitching, It becomes hypnotising.

Gaëlle Nicolau


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