The Wordsmiths Book 2021

Hide your Divinity

We perceive ourselves in the way we most desire to fuel our egos, Though we seem to neglect the thought of how the external world perceives us. We only listen to what we want to hear, Never wanting exterior opinions, Knowing we will act out of defence in not wanting to know the truth, Though, We expose our most unpleasant selves in the process of hiding our truest divine selves. We resent who we truly are as we try to become someone that we are not. Someone that we are told that we should resemble, Someone that we are told to mirror. This constant in our lives creates a conflict in our brain telling us that we aren’t perfect the way that we are, That we should be how society wants us to be, But what does that bring us? Nothing but self-hatred and false truth. A deep resent for our inner child.

And this kills us, It kills our spirit, And it kills our light.

Gaëlle Nicolau


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