The Wordsmiths Book 2021


Mankind’s folly - Night falls as hope fades A land once green now decayed Mankind’s folly to the world displayed Death and despair now pervades We stand, our minds made Indomitable - From freezing seas and raging winds To fiery sands and scorching sun O’er jagged peaks and delving deeps

I’m marching to the beat I hear Onwards forever, eyes ahead Soldier –

From the deepest darkest depths of Tartarus To the lonely mountain peaks of Olympus Through the scorching fires of war and famine To the chilling bite of death and pestilence Past trials and tribulations of the highest degree And the crushing soul's fatigue I shall march forever on For you and you alone. Daybreak - The sky brightens, feeble and weak Dreaming of the time when it shall eclipse the night That moment of glory it too shall seek When all shall cower under its might The sun emerges triumphant and bright Banishing the shadows and proudly declare Its presence to all within its sight Setting aflame with vibrant colour the very air At the zenith of its power with the world as its chair It looks down and sees naught but dust and ash It falters and falls its mind consumed by despair The time of its twilight arrives in but a flash As the dark night encroaches Departing without so much as a splash Youthful stars approaches Dawn- A darkened sky awash with light A flash of scarlet banishing the night The vibrancy of the world revealed to sight A field of jewels shining bright The moment suspended to heart’s delight As the soul itself takes flight


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