The Wordsmiths Book 2021

First published in 20212
Published by Somerset College Wordsmith Creative Writing Club2
Copyright © @2021 Somerset Wordsmiths2
All rights reserved. No part of this book of poetry may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher.2
Printed on the Gold Coast, Australia.2
Special thanks to Dr Michael Brohier for all that he has done to foster and grow this club.3
On behalf of the Wordsmiths Leadership Team, thank you!3
This all would not be possible without the endless support, effort, time and dedication from Dr Brohier. We thank him especially for his support of the Wordsmiths Class of 2021 over the past years and we will all remember our time with the Wordsmiths ...3
My Santiago5
A Message from your Captains7
This year has been a very busy year for the Wordsmiths!7
We started the year strongly with the largest ever group of Wordsmiths at over 170 students and growing. Starting also this year was the Junior Wordsmiths which the Wordsmiths Leadership Team had the amazing opportunity to visit. We were continuously ...7
We are both especially excited this year to showcase the diverse range of styles by our many writers this year including excerpts of original novellas, poems, stories and more. To put it simply, this book features Somerset’s finest writers, poets, son...7
We would also like to thank our Wordsmiths Leadership Team. It has been an honour to work alongside Giulia Provenzano (Poet Laureate), Gaëlle Nicolau, Calvin Walther, Anna Hori and Helena Hagan (Editors). We would like to thank Dr Brohier and the Word...7
A huge congratulations to all who feature in this book whether you are recognised or anonymous. Who knows, maybe one day we will recognise your words in bookstores or songs on the radio!7
Thank you, 2021 Wordsmiths, and we look forward to hearing of your words in the years to come.7
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower” – William Blake (The Wordsmiths Motto)7
- Sofia Smith and Lilliana Swainson7
The Wordsmiths Dinner 202011
The Wordsmiths Retreat 202012
Write a Book in a Day 202113
The Club’s Craft14
Aditya Naik23
Ariana Hannaford26
No Title27
Jared Crowley27
Giulia Provenzano28
Simply for Being a She29
Steff Chang29
No Title30
Heidi Hoffman30
Ayla Chirathivat-Geralds32
No Title35
Joshua Cotton35
Anika Lu38
No Title39
Mia Richards39
No Title40
Erin Davies40
Lilliana Swainson41
Mental Health42
Matilda Guthrie42
No Title43
River Teixeira43
Stream of Consciousness45
No Title47
Soumia Lamont47
No Title51
Jared Crowley51
Ayla Chirathivat-Geralds61
Giulia Provenzano65
Life’s Rollercoaster66
Matilda Guthrie66
Isabelle Furrows67
The colours we are68
A Conversation78
Ayla Chirathivat-Geralds88
An Existential Evening92
Ayla Chirathivat-Geralds105
I Saw You Today116
Ayla Chirathivat-Geralds123
Ayla Chirathivat-Geralds133
Ayla Chirathivat-Geralds154
Thank you for reading the Wordsmiths Book.157
We hope you enjoyed the club’s craft and learning more about Wordsmiths. We, the editing team, are all extremely grateful to participate and meet such kind spirits and have the chance to form such beautiful relationships with each and every club member.157
The Wordsmiths has helped us all grow into the people we are and has helped us all in some way or another. This role of being a Wordsmiths member is something that we will all hold on for the rest of our lives. It was a great honour to be a part of th...157
Thank you, Wordsmiths.157

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