The Prince Who Stole Music
stars and his eyes mirrored the diamonds on the gleaming gold crown perched on his head. Satisfied with his appearance, Prince burst out of his double-doored lavish bedroom in a dramatic movement with his most winning smile and prepared to give his best reactions to the chorus of birthday wishes- - that never came. Prince frowned slightly at the empty audience in front of him. This was not what he was expecting. Maybe... it’s just a part of a big surprise! Prince told himself. He nodded, that must be it. So, Prince picked up his gleaming smile once again and continued to stride through the castle corridors. However, Prince’s frown slowly crept back onto his face as he made his way through the halls, occasionally passing some castle workers, all of whom did not acknowledge him any more than a polite bow of the head; and no mentions of his birthday. By the time Prince had made it to the main chambers where his large golden throne stood, he was evidently perturbed. He huffed and crossed his arms and legs as he flung his body across the luxurious furniture. Prince rapped his fingers on the embellished armrests. A big surprise . It must be. They wouldn’t hold their tongues for any other reason! Prince furrowed his brows and his eyes scanned the room. This better be a brilliant surprise. They’re making me wait so much. Prince cleared his throat. Silence. It’s my birthday! MY birthday! Prince could not take it anymore. He caught the eyes of a pageboy in the corner of the room and beckoned him over. The young pageboy scuttled over, approaching Prince with a nervous bow. Prince drew the boy closer. “Do you… know of any… celebrations around our castle today?” Prince queried. The pageboy thought for a second, then shook his head. “Like… any surprises?” Prince’s frustration began to boil. The pageboy shook his head again. “Come on, boy, you can tell me! No need to keep any surprise birthday parties from me!” Still, the pageboy shook his head. “I’m sorry sir, but I don’t know what you’re--”
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