The Prince Who Stole Music


Crowds flooded into the Opera House many more people showed up than expected. The crowd was waiting in eager anticipation for Blake to make his appearance. Radiant gold lights beamed off the sides of the Opera House, it looked as if it were never left to rot, one wouldn't be able to tell that music had been banished. Excitement overtook Blake’s worry as he got into the zone. As he walked onto the stage, millions of people started to cheer. Music began playing and Blake started to rap. He felt alive. Like it was his purpose to be performing. Blake belted out the chorus to his favourite rap, serenading each and every person in the crowd with his melodious vocals. It would be an understatement to say it was a beautiful performance. Blake closed his eyes for two seconds and indulged in the vibrant ambience which surrounded him. As his rap came to an end, Blake rapped “Music gives a soul to the universe and hope to everyone”, which was so evidently heartfelt as he didn’t let out one stutter. The audience started to chant loudly as they heard Blake pouring his heart out. They fell in love. They fell in love with him. They fell in love with the song. They fell in love with the verse. Everything about this moment was euphoric, nothing could ruin the perfect atmosphere. The Prince, K.C. and the robots stormed into the arena, Blake saw them in the crowd and felt a gush of disappointment overrun his body. He no longer felt the excitement of the crowd. Though he put on a face to not make the crowd worry.

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