The Missing Pages of Time
apart. This is no problem though, as this is no ordinary limousine. This limousine is a time- travelling space station!!´ Hans continued after his passengers¶ amazement had died down, ³We are currently in the yea r 1332 BCE. The first page is located in Egypt, where we will now teleport!´ At the flick of a switch, the limousine was on the sandy dunes of ancient Egypt. ³Well, all ya need to do, is find 6 missing pages in this peculiar book,´ He explained, throwing the book into my lap without looking up from the windshield. ³Anyhow, you fellas need to consider this quickly, cause we are already here! Ancient Egypt, 1332 BCE .´ And with another blinding light , they were standing in the middle of a desert, people dressed in skirts, shawls, pushing past us. They let out a synchronised sigh. People shouted at them in some foreign language as people walked around them. The area was surrounded with street markets and filled with people with beautiful makeup, and a few pyramids in sight. ³A page... where would you find a page...?´ Miss Bubbly muttered to herself. They slowly followed the crowd of people, leading us into a world of the unknown. The first thing they noticed was the massive pyramid in the end of the street. It dominated the local skyline. As they arrived at the large entrance, astounded by the size of the pyramid. ³How do we get in??´ Mitch asked, before being promptly interru pted by a sudden shift of the entrance with a loud boom, as dust and dirt flooded the area. As the entrance closed behind them, they were overwhelmed with the golden emission of the reflection of gold trinkets throughout the chamber. ³Well... it¶ll be in here somewhere.´ Hans stated confidently, gesturing to the dozen or so chests in the chamber. Half an hour of searching later, Miss Bubbly shouted ³Eureka!´ as she held up the page in triumph. Her euphoria quickly vanished, however, as the contents of the page were strewn with innumerable spelling and grammar mistakes. As a librarian, it was painful reading. ³Oh, these idiots really can¶t write,´ she said through a scrunched -up face. Having found the page, she called Mitch and Hans over, at which point the doors to the chamber opened again. ³Wha - ´ Mitch exclaimed. ³Let¶s head to the pyramid,´ Hans said.
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