The Missing Pages of Time
Chapter 2
The bright light that filled the room blinded them, as a strange floating sensation overtook their senses. As the light started to fade, they could make out their surroundings; it appeared to be the back of a limousine. At the front, a small hatch slid open, revealing a man peering back at them.
³G¶day fellas,´ the man said.
"I uh... good morning...?´ Miss Bubbly replied.
She looked out the window as Mitch sat upright in his seat, eyes wide open with surprise and astonishment. As she looked out the window, she understood why Mitch looked as if he had seen a ghost. They were floating above what looked like the Earth, a pure black expanse being all they could see.
³How are you going?´ the man asked again.
Snapping back into reality, Miss Bubbly and Mitch realised that the man was real, and they should probably respond.
³Who are you?´ Mitch asked, lifting an eyebrow.
³I, Hans, am your chauffeur!´ the man boomed.
The two perplexed passengers glanced at each other, with a confused look. ³Where on Earth are we?´, Miss Bubbly asked.
³I believe you mean, µwhere on Earth 2 are you?¶´ Hans replied. ³You are in a parallel universe, a copy of your own, different only in that this world is in eternal darkness, be cause we haven¶t got a sun like you do.´ ³But isn¶t that the sun over there?´ Mitch questioned, pointing to the sun shining out the window. ³There is an evil witch named Amethyst, who controls our world. She stole the sun in the year 2020, the year you a re from, using the book that you have in your hands!´ Hans gleefully said.
³It has 6 pages missing though...´ the librarian said glumly.
³No matter!´ said Hans, looking like he was about to give a pre -prepared speech. ³Those 6 pages were scattered throug hout history on Earth 2, thousands of years
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