The Missing Pages of Time
Chapter 8
It was the witch! She had appeared before, all throughout the trio¶s journey. As she approached them, Mitch saw something in her hand. A pale, crumpled piece of paper... the last page! Miss Bubbly reached out to take it, but the witch pulled it away. ³Not so fast!´ the witch said, ³I¶m afraid I can¶t let you take this...´ ³Why not? We have come so far for it!´ cried Mitch. ³If I could just - ´ Mitch leapt for the page, but the witch shot a bright ball of blue electric bolts at him! Mitch leapt backwards just in time
³Don¶t try to take if from her,´ said Hans, ³Amethyst is too powerful to be challenged.´
³Amethyst? You know her?´ questioned Miss Bubbly.
³She - she is from my planet, Earth 2. I was one of the only people that escaped b efore the darkness arrived, is swept over our planet, under Amethyst¶s command, Why, you ask? Well- ´ Hans was stopped short by an intimidating stare from Amethyst, but Hans finally spoke his mind: ³No more will you keep me silent, Amethyst. You stopped me from bringing my friends from Earth 2, you stopped me from blocking the darkness, you stopped me from bringing all of the pages to my friends so they could be free, you stopped me from revealing your planet and identity to Mitch and Miss Bubbly, but you will not stop me this time! You will not control me anymore! And I don¶t care if you are a powerful witch, I will save my planet!´ The rage in Hans made Amethyst freeze in shock, powerless. Her power was to control darkness, hence why she stole the sun, but he had broken it, leaving her spellbound. Hans courageously leapt for the page, ripping it out of Amethyst¶s hands. He then slammed all 6 pages together and screamed at the top of his lungs: ³End the dark and let the light enter!´ and with that, Hans a nd Amethyst disappeared, never to be seen again, with a gut-wrenching screech from the witch. As Mitch went to pick up the pages, Miss Bubbly yelled ³Look Mitch!´ It was remarkable. Mitch looked up to see a distant ball of dust cracking open, and turning into a mystical golden ball, Earth 2 has ended their darkness! It was now a beautiful gold star, with a blinding light shining all through the galaxy. Hans¶s bravery had saved his planet, but now Miss Bubbly and Mitch were seemingly stranded in Earth 2.
³Maybe we could slam the pages together like Hans did?´ said Mitch.
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