The Missing Pages of Time
Pushing through the masses of people, Miss Bubbly , followed by Hans, eventually reached Mitch.
³How will we get to the Convention Centre?´ she asked.
³There¶s a subway station just over there´, pointing to a set of stairs along the sidewalk with a big ³M´ sign above it, ³«we can take a train straight to the Centre!´
Without further delay, the trio descended beneath the streets of Hong Kong, boarded a train and took only 10 minutes to cross the city. Rushing up the stairs to ground level, the Exhibition building greeted them, covered in British and Chinese flags.
³Come on!´ Miss Bubbly shouted while breaking into a run.
They ran up the stairs of the building, down a corridor and into the main hall, in which Tony Blair and the soon-to-be ex-Governor of Hong Kong were seated. They ran down onto the main parade ground and searched frantically around between the columns of British soldiers standing at attention. ³GOT IT!´ Mitch shouted« a bit too loudly. Their antics had been noticed by the event security, and Hong Kong police were now descending towards them. The trio ran out a side entrance, police in hot pursuit, now following Hans to where he had parked the car. No sooner did they close the doors had the police surrounded the vehicle. ³Come on, come on! Lets go!!´ Mitch and Miss Bubbly shouted to Hans. He flicked an overhead switch and they once again were submerged in the portal of gold light again.
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