The Missing Pages of Time
³The date today is the 17th of November 1687 and we are in Lincolnshire!´ Miss Bubbly exclaimed.
³Yeah, I know, she just told us that...´ said Mitch sarcastically.
³Today is the day that Isaac Newton discovered gravity! We must experience this!!´ Miss Bubbly said excitedly. The trio then left the castle and the town to find the renowned scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton. They walked through most of Lincolnshire when eventually they got tired and started to give up. But right as they were about to sit down, something caught Miss Bubbly¶s eye. ³That's him! Sitting down at that tree´ she yell ed as she started running towards him, Hans and Mitch folliwing. They stood around 10 meters away behind another tree, Miss Bubbly enthusiastically watching the famed scholar. Several hours passed, when the time eventually reached 2:48pm - at that exact moment they watched a world changing event. An apple fell and hit his head, promptly followed by excited squeaks and rapid notetaking. The trio ran over to him and asked him if they could have a look at his notes. Isaac was very protective of his notes, an d responded with a gruff ³NO!´, as he turned his back to them and walked home.
³What are we going to do now??´ asked Mitch.
³We can sneak in after dark and take the page´ Miss Bubbly replied.
A few hours later, they snuck into his home and ransacked his office for the notes. ³Miss Bubbly , I think I found it´ whispered Mitch, as he began throwing his notes around in search of the page. A short while later, he found it.
³Now we just have to get out of here.´ said Miss Bubbly .
Once they got outside, they found Hans waiting outside. He saw that they found the page and held the back door open for Mitch and Bubbly . They hopped into the car and drove into another portal.
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