The Missing Pages of Time
Chapter 4
³ - allow me to wake in the warmth of the sun´ - the voice concluded. As it finished, they slowly opened their eyes to the bright sunlight streaming into the car. They took a while to get their eyes adjusted and to start their next journey to find the page. As they got out of the car, there was nobody around. Whoever had spoken was gone.
³I wonder where we are now?´ said Mitch, hoping that Miss Bubbly would know.
³I¶m not sure where we are, there's a building over there, let's go ask´, replied Hans.
They hesitantly walked into a castle like building, in the centre of a sizeable town.
³With the way that these buildings look, and the people are dressed, it seems that we are very far back in time. Maybe somewhere between 1500 ± 1700.´ Miss Bubbly stated. As they walked into the Castle, they saw amazing high arched ceilings, bookshelves reaching the roof with books piling up, there was red, leather furniture and huge chandeliers hanging from the roof. As they walked in a lady with a long, wide dress walked over. With a strong English accent, she asked; ³Good morning, how may I help you on this fine day?´
Quite startled by her strong accent, Miss Bubbly responded:
³We would just like to know where we are and what the date is today.´
The Lady was stunned with Miss Bubbly ¶s informal manner, but she continued so as to not seem impolite.
³We are located in Lincolnshire, England, and the date is the 17th of November 1687´
³Thank you´ replied Miss Bubbly .
Mitch walked out extremely confused, but Miss Bubbly had a sense of excitement.
³Why are you so excited?´ asked Mitch.
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