The Missing Pages of Time
an all black hooded cloak. The trio said ³thank you!´ simultaneously before they ran off to find the car. Running for three Roman blocks, they found the car and got into it.
Before they entered the portal again, Miss Bubbly could have sworn someone said ³by this candle I do sleep, hidden from the day, in the night so deep. O lady moon, guide my dreams, come over me with your beautiful beams. As the candle flame die, please close my eyes.´ Thunder from an approaching storm cracked above them as the car entered the portal once more.
E la folla applaudì (and the crowd cheered); Cosa sta facendo quel ragazzo! Si farà male! (What is that boy doing! He will get hurt!) ;
Donna, muoviti (Woman, move); Rilascia i leoni (Release the lions)
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