The Great Barrier


: Lavarack Chat

General Richards Lavarack Barracks Military Base, just outside of Townsville, was Lieutenant General Richards’ favourite place. Industrialised, artificial, orderly, and routine. General Richards was sitting quietly in the war room doing his favourite leisurely activity: nothing, with nobody to disturb him. Then someone disturbed him. “General,” Sergeant Joe said, “you might want to see this.” Disgruntled, Richards followed the Sergeant into the war room. “Something’s come up regarding an old case.” Now this piqued Richards’ interest. He had been in the military for nearly five decades, yet to his dismay “How could I not?” In that moment, Richards was suddenly overcome with an urge to vent his interest. “That may just be the greatest achievement of our generation, the Aqua Warriors program. I’ve seen the images of the creature's countless times; they were a true achievement! They were nicknamed after the famous folklore creatures they resembled: ‘mermaids.’ The project was sadly abandoned due to some government bureaucrat opening the tanks and letting them out. So anyway, what is the news?” “Well, sir,” said Joe, clearly surprised by the General’s passion towards the case, and now more excited to deliver his news. “There have been quite a few reported sightings of large human-like fish on the Great Barrier Reef and the brass in Canberra think it’s our mermaids. They want us to investigate.” Richards was of course surprised by this news. “You mean to tell me that they’ve have survived? My goodness, there could be an entire colony of them out there, hidden away in the Great Barrier Reef just under our noses. But, Sergeant, how could they have survived in the Great Barrier Reef all these years? I mean, the rampant increase of coral bleaching over the years alone would surely make for a toxic environment for a genetically modified species like that.” “That’s true, General,” replied Joe. “The coral bleaching would have left an impact on them, but fortunately they’ve been able to survive. However, if the bleaching continues at the rate predicted, then at some point the reef may become inhospitable for them.” “Excellent!” exclaimed Richards. “Well, let’s not wait a second longer! We must relocate and contain these mermaids! They are an essential asset to us! Just imagine what we would have been able to accomplish had the government not realised them. If we recapture them and safely secure them, just think of the advances we could make to genetics!” “Great idea, sir!” asserted Joe. “Well, we can begin investigation right now. You aren’t busy with another case, are you?” “Not at all,” stated Richards. “And anyway, what could be more important than this? Let’s go!” They promptly gathered their gear and left. was never able to be deployed. Perhaps this was his chance to prove himself. “You remember the famous genetic experiments of the 60’s, General?”

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