The Great Barrier

Chapter :

Non-Artistic Militaristic Operations

While Owen and Ophelia were exploring Atlantis, General Richards and Seargent Joe were embarking on a Coast Guard cutter that would take them out to the Top-Secret military base that first created the Mermaids. While en route, Seargent Joe saw that they were heading towards the school. “Why are we going this way, General?” he asked. Richards responded with the cryptic answer of, “That school is the centre of everything.” Joe puzzled over this, until they docked at the school. There, they were met by Mr. Daly, who saluted the General and was saluted in return. The General and Joe were escorted to an elevator that took them to the base below the rig. The base was suspended off the floor of the ocean by the immense rig supports that extended hundreds of meters below the rig. They emerged from the elevator to encounter a vast, luminous ocean view, fully encircled by a giant glass wall. There, the General immediately called a meeting with the most senior officials at the base and laid out a plan to catch and destroy the colony of mermaids. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the mermaids from the Aqua Warrior project have reappeared, and it's up to us to ‘relocate’ them,” he started the meeting with. Immediately, the meeting room was filled with the buzz of chatter as the Officers discussed various strategies in order to control the mermaids. After close to an hour of discussion, the all agreed on a plan of attack, and General Richards ordered the mini subs to be prepared and called over his chief engineer, Katrina-Anne. “Katrina-Anne, come here please” “Yes Sir, how can I help you?” “I need you to check the engines of all of the mini subs and prepare our thermal trackers. Those mermaids need to be captured and studied.” “Of course, sir” “Thank you, Chief Engineer” General Richards turned to Joe and asked him to ensure his orders were carried out at the base while he met with Mr Daly again to discuss the use of the school as a docking station for the mini subs and patrol boats.

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