Year 12 OP Assessment Booklet 2019
INVESTIGATING TASKS (compulsory) The investigating task asks students to research within their specialisation by exploring, analysing and synthesising evidence from a range of music sources such as scores, audio and visual recordings, live performances, case studies, essays, lectures, journals or musicology surveys, and to present their findings. Two tasks are required, one at Moderation (1200 – 1600 words of written presentation or five minutes of oral presentation) and one at Verification (as for Moderation). (The Verification task may not have to be completed if the Moderation item is of a sufficiently high standard.) REALISING TASKS (one specialisation to be chosen) Composition: • Students are encouraged to go beyond composing within the conventions of a particular style, and move toward developing their own personal style. • Two tasks are required, one at Moderation (minimum one minute in length) and one at Verification (minimum three minutes in length). Musicology: • Students will present a critical evidence-based argument which may contribute original thinking to the field, critique or confront accepted thinking or develop fresh perspectives. • Two tasks are required, one at Moderation (approximately 1000 words of written presentation or min. 5 minutes of oral presentation) and one at Verification (approximately 2500 words of written presentation or minimum 10 minutes of oral presentation). Performance: • Students are encouraged to select repertoire in the style/s or genre/s that allow them to best display their emerging skills as a performer. The syllabus allows for students to perform as instrumentalists, vocalists or conductors. • Two tasks are required, one at Moderation (minimum three minutes in length) and one at Verification (minimum 16 minutes in length). The criteria for assessment are Criterion 1 – Investigation of music sources, Criterion 2 – Realisation of the work: Demonstration of technique and skills and Criterion 3 – Realisation of the work: Expression of music ideas. Criterion 1 relates to the Investigating Tasks, whilst Criteria 2 and 3 relate to the Realising Task. Exit levels of achievement are summative judgments made when the student exits the course of study. For most students undertaking an extension course this will be after two semesters. For these students, judgements are based on exit folios providing evidence of achievement in relation to all general objectives of the syllabus and in accordance with the criteria and standards. Each of the criterion is weighted equally. The following table is used to determine the exit level of achievement: EXIT LEVEL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS Very High Standard A in any two criteria and no less than a B in the remaining criterion High Standard B in any two criteria and no less than a C in the remaining criterion Sound Standard C in any two criteria and no less than a D in the remaining criterion Limited At least Standard D in any two criteria Very Limited Standard E in the three criteria
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