Subject Selection for Year 11 2018 letter
The only exceptions will be ab initio Italian and Visual Art, Music and Theatre, where entry to university courses is often by OP, Portfolio and interviews.
3. How will the IB Diploma course be offered? We offer some IB Diploma as separate classes to the OP. This is the case with large student number subjects such as English, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. The small groups will still be composite OP/IB classes. Will this cost me anything? The largest amount payable by Year 12 students in April/May of 2018 (for your students) will be approximately GBP£454 (approximately AUD$820). This is for the full Diploma. How difficult is it to do? The IB is rewarding and gives an added dimension to a student’s final two years of schooling. I would advise self-motivated, organized, hard-working, but not necessarily only high achieving students, to contemplate the benefits of the IB. Evidence shows that mid-range students do well in the IB Diploma. Results in the IB Diploma At Somerset your student can expect to excel in the IB Diploma. Somerset is the most experienced IB Diploma school in Queensland. 7. If I need more clarity in order to make a choice between the IB course and the OP course what should I do? Attend the initial preliminary information night on 13 June. 4. 5. 6.
OP Questions 8 - 10
What is the difference between Maths A, B and C? Maths C – Maths for students who are strong in and enjoy Maths. (While Maths C is not a pre-requisite for Engineering, it is very beneficial in undertaking this course.) Maths B – Algebra and Calculus academic Maths. (Pre-requisite for Medicine) Maths A – Applied Maths with real-life relevance.
9. What Maths should I attempt? Your current Maths teacher should be your first port of call here for the best advice.
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