Storyfest Festival Guide 2022
glenn barry Session 155 Tuesday 15 at 1.45pm Session 243 Wednesday 16 at 12.45pm
fletcher babb Session 113 Tuesday 15 at 9.15am Workshop Wednesday 16 at 9.30am Session 254 Wednesday 16 at 1.45pm Session 325 Thursday 17 at 10.15am
Glenn Barry has a passion for communication, using the vehicle of art as a catalyst towards bridging differences through connections. Working in a range of media including painting and technologically produced imagery, he uses multi-modal approaches to open up concepts about identity. As an urban man who identifies with his heritage of First Nation Australian and Irish, Barry is interested in exploring and honouring ways in which art can express traditional values with contemporary lived experiences.
Cold Ghost is the moniker for Gold Coast songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer and sound designer, Fletcher Babb. He is the creator, curator and composer for the successful tri-annual stage show Stories in the Key of GC at the Gold Coast’s HOTA, Home of the Arts. The inaugural event was staged in 2019 with BlankGC saying it was “ a love letter to our beautiful city, but it was much more than that. It was a celebration of music, and humanity, and all that connects us .” Each story is performed live on stage and recorded for a podcast as individual episodes.
lech blaine
adam cece
Historical Fiction, Personal Stories Tuesday 15 at 5.00pm Session 235 Wednesday 16 at 11.15am Session 256 Wednesday 16 at 1.45pm Session 316 Thursday 17 at 9.15am Literary Lunch Thursday 17 at 12.30pm Lech Blaine is the author of the memoir Car Crash and the Quarterly Essay Top Blokes . His writing has appeared in The Monthly, Guardian Australia, The Best Australian Essays, Griffith
Session 123 Tuesday 15 at 10.15am Young Writers’ Dinner Tuesday 15 at 5.30pm Session 234 Wednesday 16 at 11.15am Session 252 Wednesday 16 at 1.45pm Session 322 Thursday 17 at 10.15am
6 / Review, Kill Your Darlings and Meanjin. He was an inaugural recipient of a Griffith Review Queensland Writing Fellowship. meet the authors. Adam Cece is an award-winning best-selling author of children’s books, including Wesley Booth Super Sleuth , Twin Spin and the hilarious Huggabie Falls series, which has been published worldwide. He is an SA Premier’s Reading Challenge Ambassador, and visits schools and libraries around Australia delivering fun, interactive talks focused on being an author, the craft of writing, getting published, solving mysteries, and how to write a cracking shopping list.
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