Storyfest Festival Guide 2020
ART EXHIBIT Storyfest invite you to join the remarkable illustrator Bruce Whatley at Helensvale Library as he shares the journey of creating the picture book. From his comical illustrations of the much loved Diary of a Wombat through to his highly technical and detailed illustrations from Ruben , the development of the illustrative narrative is a journey that is intriguing for budding illustrators and avid readers alike. Experience the stages of the creative process with 3D models and computer generated mock ups as Bruce shares his methodology of combing modern technology with the beauty of the traditional mark on paper. This exhibit will be open to the public from Tuesday 3 March through to Friday 17 April. During this year’s Somerset Storyfest, there are several opportunities to interact: THE JOURNEY OF A PICTURE BOOK Bruce Whatley
Bruce Whatley author presentation followed by a viewing of the exhibition TUESDAY 17 MARCH 12NOON VENUE Helensvale Library and Cultural Centre TICKETS $8.00 per person
Bruce Whatley and Jackie French author reading within the library with an escorted tour of the exhibition with the artist. THURSDAY 19 MARCH 4.30PM VENUE Helensvale Library and Cultural Centre TICKETS Free Community Event
Illustrator workshop with Bruce Whatley. Limited numbers ages 12+ SATURDAY 21 MARCH 9.30AM VENUE Helensvale Library and Cultural Centre TICKETS Free Community Event
Spaces are limited for performances – please visit to register for the Author interactions. The exhibit and interactions are free to the community, through the generous support of Division 2 Councillor, William Owen-Jones.
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