Starlight Express - Musical Programme 2023

The Rap

Hip Hoppers, Control, Electra, Components, Greaseball, Caboose, CB, Dinah, Company

Whirl Pearl U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D. Girls’ Rolling Stock Dinah You’re Honoured

Greaseball, Pearl, Coaches

Dinah, Cookie, Coaches, Hip Hoppers

Buffy, Noshy, Duvay, Eider, Dinah, Cookie, Opal

Purse, Dinah, Coaches, Caboose, CB & Greaseball

Intro to Race Three Race Three

Purse, Dinah, Coaches, Caboose, CB, Greaseball

Control, Greaseball, Dinah, Electra, Dinah, Rusty, Caboose, CB Greaseball & Gang, Electra & Components, Caboose, CB, Flat Tops, Rusty, Pearl

Terrorising Rusty

Right Place, Right Time Rusty Alone Starlight Sequence Rusty and Dustin

Rusty, Hip Hoppers


Rusty, Starlight

Rusty, Dustin

Dinah’s Disco Pre-Race Four

Dinah, Electra, Caboose, CB & Control

Greaseball & Gang, Pearl, Electra & Components, Caboose, CB, Rusty, Dustin, Company

Race Four

Control, Greaseball, Pearl, Electra, Caboose, CB, Rusty, Dustin, Company

One Rock ‘n’ Roll Too Many After Rock ‘n’ Roll I Do Long Live Rusty Mega-Mix Light at the End of the Tunnel

Electra, Greaseball, Caboose, CB

Control, Poppa, Dustin, Company

Pearl, Opal, Rusty

Dinah, Greaseball, Electra, Poppa, Company

Poppa, Company



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