Starkey House Captains book 2019
As well as this, another aspect of the role I thoroughly enjoyed has been working with my co-captain, Aidan. Despite numerous arguments and complications, we worked to overcome these difficulties and developed ideas, activities, and goals that we were both proud of. We were able to build a tighter sense of “family” within the Starkey House, and it has honestly been one of my proudest moments this year. Seeing each individual pushing himself or herself to be better than they were the day before to make their house proud, was the legacy Aidan and I worked so hard towards, and seeing the results has been absolutely incredible! U nexpected things that happened during our captaincy Throughout our captaincy period, we never expected to win all three carnivals. This outcome was definitely unexpected! We started our year setting goals and working tirelessly to achieve them. Winning was just the extra bonus! Despite this, we had many much smaller unexpected experiences. Our personal favourite however, was the fact that we would just always show up to Miss Green’s office, make ourselves comfortable, eat her lollies and just wait for her to come back. This became such a regular occurrence we definitely feel like she started hiding the lollies from us! O ur memorable moments with M iss G reen I think it would be fair to say that we have had a lot of memorable moments together as co-captains and with Miss Green. The best would definitely be being covered from head to toe in whipped cream after winning the Athletics Carnival. Much to Miss Green’s disgust, we decided that is was a reward that was certainly deserved. And the other memorable moment would be pushing Miss Green into the pool after the Swimming Carnival. It was so amazing to see so many other mem- bers of the House joining our celebration by jumping into the pool with us, fully clothed!
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Somerset College Starkey House Captains Handbook
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