Starkey House Captains book 2019
F ive things you won ’ t know about your head of house
• Miss Green is actually a MAJOR stress head! We couldn’t help but laugh at how incredibly nervous and stressed Miss Green got when awaiting results for each of the carnivals. Fair enough, its an exciting and nervous wait, but Miss Green literally gets to the point of being so stressed she begins to shake.
• She always seems to have an endless supply of mints in her office. Well that was until Aidan and I discovered them…
• This is an obvious one, but she looks really great in a Sombrero!
• Miss Green has this little notebook where she writes down everything she needs to do in a day in one big scribble. We are pretty sure that her life would fall apart if she lost that book! • Somehow she manages to be so organised yet so unorganised at the same time. We can’t blame her for the amount of stuff she is always juggling but you will need to constantly remind her to send an email! O ur H ouse can best be described as … Our House can best be described as exuberant. The enthusiasm, energy and cheerfulness of Starkey is unbelievable. Everyone is so willing to jump in and give things a go it’s amazing. The competitive, yet easy-going nature of our House is what sets us apart from the others. Other Houses tend to either be serious and competitive, or easy going and completely unmotivated. We think that Starkey is the perfect blend of the two. We compete, and we compete hard, but we never stop smiling and enjoying it, and if things don’t go the way we planned, we laugh it off and keep our heads up.
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Somerset College Starkey House Captains Handbook
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