Sport Captains book 2019
S ports C aptains 2019
S omerset C ollege P ersonal S uccess | G lobal O utlook
L eading a L egacy – S ports C aptains
A word to the Captains from the Captains before...
Nayan Patel
Ella Crough-Heaton
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Somerset College Sports Captains Handbook
W hat does your position entail ? This captaincy role predominantly involves weekly meetings with Mr Lunniss, going through upcoming events and carnivals, as well as being the main hosts in the sport assemblies and on the annual sports awards night. F ive tips for you as successors • Meet up before sport assemblies to run through your designated sections and to also admire that one photo of Nayan long jumping that Mr Lunniss has used for the past 3 years.
• Learn how to add notes to the PowerPoint slides as you can’t impromptu nearly as well as Mr Lunniss can.
• Stand a fist and a half away from the microphone so you don’t blow the speakers and everyone’s ear-drums.
• Learn to throw a rubber chicken without hitting a ceiling fan.
• Be careful of pronouncing last names so you don’t pull a ‘Cal Malonely.’
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Somerset College Sports Captains Handbook
L ooking B ack
Highlight of our Captaincy Having the opportunity to co-host assemblies, which has ultimately helped develop our confidence and deliverance in public speaking. Both of us have also enjoyed meeting up with Mr Lunniss every week and be- coming more familiar with the staff in the sports department; even if that does mean helping out with the sports attendance rolls every so often.
Memorable moments with Mr Lunniss He drinks upwards of five coffees per day.
O ur advice to you is … Take your position and role within the college as it comes, remembering to enjoy it and to help out wherever possible. By involving yourself as much as you can, you can reap much more enjoyment and satisfaction, particularly in confidence as a public speaker. Remember, it’s not a job if it’s something that you like to do!
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Somerset College Sports Captains Handbook
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Somerset College Sports Captains Handbook
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Somerset College Sports Captains Handbook
S ports C aptains 2019
Chad Brodbeck
Rylee Burns
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Somerset College Sports Captains Handbook
G oal S etting 2019
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Somerset College Sports Captains Handbook
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Somerset College Sports Captains Handbook
S omerset C ollege P ersonal S uccess | G lobal O utlook Somerset College ABN 54 010 343 227 CRICOS Provider 00521G Address Somerset Drive, Mudgeeraba, Queensland 4213 Telephone 07 5559 7100 Facsimile 07 5559 7345 Email Website
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