Somerset Lifetimes 2022
V O L U M E 5 , 2 0 2 2
Nick at the Return to Somerset Gala 2022 and with wife Zoe (left)
Finally, my wife is a constant inspiration as one of the most patient people on the planet.
What advice would you offer current students? I’ll probably get an angry email from the faculty about this, but ah well. School isn’t the be all and end all in life. You definitely have to focus and try your best, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself. I remember being in grade 11 and 12 and feeling like my life was on the line. Also more generally, just work on stuff that interests you. As long as you keep working on things that you’re passionate about and you keep learning, you’ll be fine. Going to work and hating your job is the worst. Work will be hard and draining sometimes, but it’s way easier to show up and do something that you’re interested in. I wish I know that when I was 21, instead of 35.
The Alumni Chapter
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