Somerset Lifetimes 2021 Semester 1

Alexis and Sarah being greeted by parents and teachers in the inaugural Avenue of Welcome

It was an honour to be taking our first steps into the Senior School. As we walked down the Avenue of Welcome, the teachers, parents and Year 12s looked at us with pride and could see the potential for our future. To make us feel even more welcome, our teachers introduced us to all the perks of Year 7: the ping pong tables, the orange lockers and our wonderful classrooms. Over 30 Year 7s were new to Somerset this year, and a good way to recognise everyone’s Houses was a Tug-o War! We cheered everyone on with our Spartan Spirit, because even if you didn’t win, you had fun participating. Everyone changes throughout their lives and the biggest change is ‘growing up’. We got to record some information for a time capsule. We were given a booklet and we wrote down some strange information, like the size of our hands and feet and our arm span. At the end of the year, we’ll be able to see how much we’ve grown. Sarah Cosson Year 7 Franklin

Year 7s on camp on Mount Tamborine

Starting in Senior School


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