Somerset Lifetimes 2020
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enjoyed tennis and how gratefully led to my job today, for which I am grateful. Accepting to work here at the College as a full time student was also defining for me. It has set up an amazing career that I hope to continue for many years. Finishing my Junior Development Coaching Degree through Tennis Australia, where I met amazing coaches and made many connections to help expand my network in order to further better my coaching. Whether these moments are small or big, to me, they are what has set me on the path that I am on today. What advice would you offer current students? My advice to students would be to just strive to be the best you can be. School can get quite stressful, so it is always important to be the best version of yourself. I would also encourage students to stay in contact with teachers and fellow classmates. I know for myself, I spent 13 years at school with my friends, and those are friendships that will last forever and have made me the person who I am today.
The Alumni Chapter
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