Somerset Lifetimes 2019 Semester 2
Headmaster FROM THE
The verandahs of The Smith Building, The Brown Building and The Arnison Building – all named for other magnificent servants – were perfect for a wonderful display of all things Somerset and the optimal vantage point for our littlest students. Our invited guests were able to view these Founders’ Day activities from the Terrace of the Design Centre. It truly had the atmosphere of a colosseum!
Mr Hickey OAM reminded us of our humble beginnings and the dedicated and brave people who founded our great school and gave us the opportunity to thank three of the founders who were in attendance for their contributions; Mr John Aitkenhead, Mr Tony Cordner and Mrs Mary Rudkin and former Chairs, Mr Lex Bell, Dr Peter Brown . While the students attended their House Lunch our invited guests attended the Official Opening of the newly completed Design Centre. Mr Hickey congratulated all involved in the creation of this magnificent facility. The Head of Department – Design, Mr Dallas O’Brien and two of our Year 11 Engineering students, Marcus Ibsen (Veivers) and Anica Moller (Starkey) told us that the new Design Centre will provide students with access to a plethora of impressive equipment, that will not only benefit quality of work but also fast-track the acquisition of skills required in a professional career. Our array of equipment now comprises of high precision 3D Scanners, 3D printers, high resolution tablet style computers, powerful laser cutters and industrial standard design software; just to name a few. Using this equipment, students will be able to reverse engineer, enhance existing products, sketch and design digitally as well as manipulate 3D worlds and environments. There is also an expanding robotics and internet of things with the personalised tours of the new facilities with demonstrations of Year 7 Design 3D printing phone charms to fit their client’s needs; Year 9 Digital working with programmable micro controllers for wearable technology and Year 10 Digital developing a robotics solution with text-based coding in order to increase the scope and functionality of the capabilities for a robot. addition of various peripherals. Our guests, were again treated to
Congratulations to the winning teams: All Age Swimming Relay Andrews All Age Running Relay Veivers Steeplechase – Junior Girls
Alexandra (Alex) Halloran (Starkey)
– Junior Boys – Senior Girls – Senior Boys
Timothy Hornsey (Starkey) Charlotte Chant (Franklin)
Nicholas Tan (Laver)
– Overall
Tug-O-War – Infants
Andrews Starkey Starkey
– Upper Junior School
– Senior School Courtyard Dash
Samuel Reeve (Veivers) Britney Ingr (Laver)
Another Founders’ Day tradition is to acknowledge and thank members of staff who have served the College for 20 years. This year we thank and congratulate Mr Jeff Grocott , Mr Greg Juniper , Mr John Mitchell , Mrs Annmarie Moy and Mr Brad Walker for their dedication and contribution to Somerset. We concluded the first week of Term Three with the inaugural Alumni Association Awards and the Inaugural Somerset Gala which replaced the individual class reunions. What fabulously successful ventures these activities were. I’m sure you will enjoy the articles on these events, found elsewhere in this publication. My congratulations to the Alumni Association, led by Mrs Sally Leslie and her Committee, for their efforts in ensuring these events were such wonderful occasions.
From the Headmaster
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